SMART Printer Ethernet Firmware 2024.12.04
-. modified, isnp.h, ISNP_MAX_BUFFER was changed to 24MB supporting 600dpi
-. added, netcloud.cpp to support cloud management and printing
-. added, added new_reply in the isnp.cpp to support netcloud
-. supported, supported OK3021 Contact smart card reader
-. added, added PRESENT: and PRESENT_TIMEOUT: to ocpformat
-. fixed, fixed a bug(input) in send_page_ver3()
-. fixed, fixed a bug(MS encoding) in send_page_ver3()
-. added, added laminate in send_page_ver3()
-. added, added LAMINATE: to ocpformat
-. upgraded, upgraded pcsclite from 1.8.11 to 1.9.5
-. upgraded, upgraded ccid from 1.4.8 to 1.4.36
-. supported, supported OK5122, OK5127 in the network module
-. added, added UI for seleting TLS version.
-. added, added SPOOLING in the OCP Definition to do not spooling
-. fixed, fixed configuration data of the sample card for SMART-81
-. fixed, fixed moving to IC and RF position for SMART-81
-. fixed, fixed SetLCDText for SMART-81
-. added, added supporting PRN dump
-. added, added printer description SOLID-810 to NetAdmin
-. fixed, fixed displaying delay for network state
-. moved, moved btunnel, vfimage, gpioctl, ocpbarcode to extended file system
-. fixed, fixed missing usb storage driver in the previous kernel
-. added, added LCD error message for scanning barcode
SMART-81 Printer Firmware 2025.02.24
[ 1.02.43 ]
- fixed the Unlock operation bug when running an Unlock operation using the Printer Properties -> Service Tab -> Unlock Printer.
[ 1.02.41 ]
- added Dot Compensation Value to fix the different printing quality due to the number of dots used.
[ 1.02.40 ]
- added the FlipHold Mode (when OutPosSen detects a card, FlipMotor Hold activates / when the card is released, FlipperRepos activates and then Free states)
- added the AutoRearCardIn (AutoRearin is disabled until the Card Release states)
- fixed the card jamming of the Flipper
- fixed the film skip when the dual printing of K ribbon
- fixed the Separation Mode 0,2,3 of K ribbon (The same logic is applied to K of YMCK ribbon)
- fixed the color density issue of 600 dpi
[ 1.02.33 ]
- added the Stability Mode to improve the printing quality
- enhanced the 300 DPI printing quality when printing continuously
- fixed the film skip error when printing in SBS Mode and then printing again immediately
- modified the logic of the Separation Mode (Mode 0, 2)
- modified the logic of the Ribbon Motor when printing K, K2(YMCKK) panel (for other panels, set the same as the previous version)
- modified the Ribbon Motor Max Torque to 6,000 when printing K, K2(YMCKK) panel)
- modified the logic of K2 panel search behavior when using YMCKK ribbon
[ 1.02.21 ]
- added the Strobe Threshold feature for 300 DPI K panel (default: 80%)
- added to improve retransfer quality at low temperatures by checking to the BD temperature
- modified to improve vertical lines when printing gradation images
- modified that the print roller is also moved when the film is moved from the LCD operation menu while the case is open
[ 1.02.17 ]
- enhanced the printing quality about density on 600DPI SMART-81H when printing in a row
- changedd the logic that error shows after printing job is finished when the error occurs on SMART-81L with SMART-81P+L combination
- enhanced the logic to search the I panel when YMCKI ribbon is installed
- added the logic to enable the Clean Printer function when BendRemedy is installed
[ 1.02.14 ]
- enhanced the initializing process when turning on
- added the status code when PRINT DATA FAIL occurs (Error occurs when real installed ribbon Type and RibbonType in printing data is different)
[ 1.02.12 ]
- changed the code of RF TAG CountDown
- added the Error flag about LAM Thread operation
[ 1.02.10 ]
- added the function to show the progress to ###% format on LCD panel when Initialize & reInitialize(When Case Open & Close)
- fixed the code of RF TAG R/W communication (When RF communication failed, register hopping and recover the code error)
- fixed the bug of EXT communication
[ 1.01.13 ]
- Supported 600 DPI PrintHead (S81H)
- Changed to allow the SBSCommand while preheating process
- Changed the Separtion Mode 3
- Changed the default value of Lock
- Changed the SBSCardOut function when BendRemedy installed
- Changed the logic of YMCKK ribbon searching
[ 1.01.06 ]
- Added the TagTest function on LCD panel
- Improved the Tag Read/Write functions
- Fixed the bug of CardOutBin action
- Fixed the bug that can't get Dump
- Fixed the bug to show System Ready in advance before the finish of PreHeating
- Fixed the bug to show the wrong film manufacturer on Service tab of the printer driver
[ 1.01.01 ]
- Added the function to move a card based on the sensor while retransferring a Film
- Added the function to set the retransferring/Standby temperature on LCD panel
- Added the function to set the start/target temperature of PreHeating, and Timeout when Preheating
- Improved the issue that Film is torn
- Changed the criteria of PreHeating function
- Fixed the bug of 'Network Config - DataAbort'
- Fixed the bug of Tag Countdown
- Fixed the bug that BendRemedy can't be turned off in the printer driver
[ 1.00.96 ]
- Added to function to Clean on LCD panel
- Fixed the bug of Cleaning function
[ 1.00.92 ]
- Supported the 600DPI printing
- Supported the BendRemedy module
- Supported the YMCK Split function
- Added the SBS Command of Lam HeadUp/Down
- Added the SBScommand for BendRemedy
- Added the Tag Erase function, LockPassword initializing function
- Improved the Rf CountDown action
[ 1.00.71 ]
- Changed the wait position of the card to the right side of the retransfer roller after the card-in action
- Changed the wait position of the card to the right side of the retransfer roller when backside printing on Fastest Mode
- Modified the status from error to normal even if Hopper Cartridge is opened when 'Count Zero' message is shown
[ 1.00.68 ]
- Added the function to adjust the Tag Gain automatically
- Changed the Seperation Mode 3 action
- Modified to CardOut action to hold a card even if Repositioning a card
- Modified the CardOut Sensor Filter time to 50ms
- Modified to speed of film detect action, saved to Backup
SMART-81 Laminator Firmware 2024.06.20
- Enhanced the RF TAG R/W communication code (Increased retry count when failed)
- Applied the temperature profile while Heating (Enhanced the waiting time of heating)
- Changed the waiting time of heating to the lami temperature, 90 -> 55sec
- Supported the Bend Remedy module
- Added the BaudRate 19200 Setting (Force Mode)
- Added the function to get the heating temperature of the laminator from the Printer
- Modified the action to do nothing when opening a Hopper Cartridge under 'Count Zero' status
SMART-81 Bend Remedy Firmware 2024.02.14
SMART-70 Printer Firmware 2024.11.29
[ 1.02.68 ] - 241120
- changed YMCKO ribbon color detection algorithm
[ 1.02.64 ] - 230217
- added the function to test the communication between modules into LCD panel
- added the function to recover the communication automatically when communi. error occurs
- added the function to show the counter of recoverring the communication in LCD panel
- added the function to show the error flag when communication error occurs between MS R/W board
- added the PC authentification mode
- supported the YMCPKO ribbon
- modified the function not to check device link error while printing (Prohibit the communication error)
- fixed the start position and scale is not proper when 600 & 1200 DPI printing
- fixed the calibration is slow when the ribbon count is not matched when K ribbon printing
[ 1.02.52 ] - 200221
- added the function to get a Job ID that printing is finished in the PC
- changed the escape time from 5 to 10 sec when LCD menu button isn't clicked
[ 1.02.50 ] - 190226
- fixed the bug that ribbon balance doesn't count after ribbon count down error occurs.
[ 1.02.49 ] - 181113
- added the 'Auto Cancel' option that cancel the printing data when error occurs
[ 1.02.41 ] - 170414
- modified the time to scan the encoder
[ 1.02.40 ] - 170411
- modified the standard value of the sensing a color
- added the software filter that Card In/Out sensor checks the position.
[ 1.02.33 ] - 160713
- added the Ballys mode when magnetic encoding
- added the one-pass print mode
[ 1.02.26 ] - 160126
- added the maximum combination that 2 printers and 2 laminators are used, IPFPFLFLO
- modified the function that Data Option Error occurs when the printing data is mismatched with combination
- fixed the bug that the multi termination error occurs by noise
SMART-70 Laminator Firmware 2025.01.17
SMART-70 Hybrid Flipper Firmware 2020.08.21
SMART-70 In & Output Hopper Firmware 2017.07.27
SMART-70 MS Encoder Firmware 2020.08.21
SMART-70 Multi-Hopper Firmware 2024.12.16
[ 1.00.36 ]
- activated CardMoveMotion function
[ 1.00.32 ]
- fixed the error information showing alternating Card In and Error when all hoppers have no cards
SMART-51,31 & 21 Printer Firmware 2024.10.02
[ 1.02.95 ]
- modified to show the firmware version and serial number in the LCD on SMART-51
[ 1.02.92 ]
- fixed the Card Out error when booting on with the laminator attached
[ 1.02.90 ]
- fixed the function to set the error card bin (3rd tray) if the compact multi-hopper is installed and the inner tray option is activated
when the initialization and Card Out command to the front side
[ 1.02.87 ]
- fixed the function to send the data on the normal readable MS track except for the track that MS read error occurs
- added the function to adjust the RMP value automatically when YMCKO (100) ribbon is installed
- changed the criteria of color detect level when P-ribbon is installed to fix the YMCKOK ribbon issue with SMART-31
- added the function to print a long card with up to 120mm width
- added the function to print a rewritable card without erasing on SMART-31R
[ 1.02.73 ]
- added the high-speed mode when printing rewritable card first time (6 - 7sec)
[ 1.02.72 ]
- supported the extra internal hopper in the SMART-70 multi-hopper (KIOSK)
- added the function to control the SMART-70 multi-hopper directly (KIOSK)
[ 1.02.64 ]
- fixed the bug that print position on panel is shifted depending on the amount of ribbon remaining.
- fixed the bug that printing wasn't counted when 600, 1200 DPI with K ribbon
- supported the YMCKOKR ribbon
- supported the compact multi hopper on the driver
- added the function to set the direction of the cleaning process
- added the function to set the Public key in the Laminator
- added the logic to occur init error when flipper out sensor detects a card while initializing
- modified the option to fix the direction of cleaning to backside if the multi-hopper is installed
- modified the option to consider the panel is black if the RGB value is under 85% with BO ribbon
- modified the logic that considers the card is inserted after Card In action even though Card In sensor doesn't detect a card on SBS mode & portable mode
- modified the logic to enter the cleaning process that Top cover is opened and ribbon is removed when booting up while right LED button is pushing
- fixed the bug that the K ribbon doesn't count the printing issue on 600 & 1200 DPI
SMART-51 & 31 Flipper Firmware 2024.02.13
SMART-51 Laminator Firmware 2024.02.13
[ 0.02.07 ]
- The S51L can work even though the laminating film is not inserted or the film balance is 0.
(S51 Printer firmware should be 1.02.72 or above)
SMART-30 & 50 Printer Firmware 2018.05.30
SMART-50 Laminator Firmware 2016.12.14