

Medical center Check-up Card



Transition to the latest card printing technology was required.

The Borame Hospital is a secondary medical institution operated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and it’s a representative hospital in Seoul as an outstanding professional medical staff and cost-effective compared to university designated hospitals. And it has a prevalent reputation over the region so that there are always crowded by relevant people. 

Unfortunately, mechanical issues frequently occurred from the old-fashioned card printer while issuing medical check-up card.  

It also caused the working environment less efficient and more complaint. They felt partially difficulty working issuance during rush moments since they should enter new patients’ back data every time they came by.


Adjusted state-of-art printing product & software to the medical center.

After acquiring the hospital’s goals, IDP delivered SMART-51 a high-performance but cost-effective and flagship product with customized development software. 

Own Issuance program was already set up with previous models, but the new solution was available on incorporating all necessary back data.
After software development, IDP provided product full support and follow-up management for convenient users to meet simplified standards.

Result & Benefit

Elevate patient & hospital experience both

The overall transition made it possible for hospitals to provide a pleasant environment for both patients and hospital employees.

Patients were able to find out accountability and stability mindset in the hospital by immediately getting medical cards for themselves on the spot, and hospital officials were able to increase responsibility for the patient.

This was the first opportunity to supply to the general hospital in 2019. As a result, IDP’s card solution empowers to build up an in-house healthcare issuance market.



